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Sales Question Bank
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When the manufacturer establishes two or more channels catering to the same market, then …………… occurs.
  1. Vertical channel conflict
  2. Horizontal channel conflict
  3. Multi channel conflict
  4. None of the above

Q2. CRM is a business philosophy that aims at maximizing ___ in the long run.

  1. Customer value
  2. Sales
  3. Market Share
Correct Answer

Q3. Discussions are held with all the ___ of the company during requirements gathering.

  1. Technical staff
  2. Managers
  3. Sales personnel
  4. Stakeholders
Correct Answer

Q4. The creation of modern marketing is the result of ___

  1. Industrial Revolution
  2. Barter system
  3. Decentralised exchange
  4. Pre-industrial period
Correct Answer

Q5. A ______________ is a set of interdependent organizations involved in the process of making a product or service available for use of consumption by the consumer or business user.

  1. retailer
  2. wholesaler
  3. distribution channel
  4. middleman
Correct Answer

Q6. Who sells to the customers?

  1. Semi wholesalers
  2. Wholesalers
  3. Retailer
  4. Distributor
Correct Answer

Q7. In SWOT, the letter ‘O’ stands for –

  1. Omnipresent (product lines)
  2. Obvious (Marketing responses)
  3. Occurrence (of trade cycles)
  4. None of the above
Correct Answer

Q8. Our marketing mechanism is deemed successful only if –

  1. We get money from him
  2. Customer is fully satisfied by our products and services
  3. We can sell more than our competitors
  4. We can make more profit than our competitors
Correct Answer

Q9. Two genres of consumer market segmentation are _________ and ________.

  1. Demographic, promotional
  2. Behavioral, geographic
  3. Geographic, social
  4. Psychographic, economic
Correct Answer

Q10. The differentiated marketing strategy of segmentation involves _______ products and several ________ programmes to prepare the different market mix for each market segment.

  1. Unusual, segments
  2. Different, segments
  3. Segmented, markets
  4. None of those
Correct Answer

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